
Back in time when our grandparents were growing up, considering the 50s and 60s, our nation did not have the concept of Early Childhood care and education. The day care, childcarecenters and the programs in India initiated as early as in 1980s. The earliest formal documentation of preschool/early childhood education, as an organized initiative in India, dates back to the latter half of the nineteenth century when Gijubhai Badheka and Tarabai Modak, among others, became the pioneers of this movement in the country.
Considering the status of Ecce in India, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in India is enshrined in the Constitution and mandated under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009. It is a vey new concept not much of decade old, but has come a long way. Educationists, facilitators, policy makers and government etc. advocate the importance of early childhood care and education.
For real, the sector is both in private hands and under government. In India, the Government started a major initiative by starting Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme to provide complete services mainly to the poor section of the society between the age group of 0-6 years.
Early Childhood care and education is to enable Early childhood development. Early Childhood Development refers to the physical, cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional development of a child from the prenatal stage up to age six. This development happens in a variety of settings (homes, schools, health facilities, community-based centers); and involves a wide range of activities from child care to nutrition to parent education.
Several day cares, preschool sand early childhood care centers are opened in India t serve the children. However, in reality there are many who have preschool for namesake and just have the aim to grow business and bank balance. We must vary of the one who have other objective rather than to promote early childhood care and education.
In the article further, let’s explore that What are the benefits of ECE and What is the need and importance of early childhood care and education in India?
1. To promote all round development of children in terms of physical, social, emotional, creative, language and cognitive development, through a ...
2. Early childhood care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It aims at the holistic development of a child's social, emotional.
3. Early childhood education impact on cognitive and social development for the life ahead and enables and increases children’s life chances.
4. It seeks to fulfil a child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical requirements in a holistic way in order to lay a strong and comprehensive foundation for lifetime learning and wellbeing.
5. If we think that What factors influence cognitive and social development of a child in the future life, we must think of early childhood care and education as a biggest factor. Because of that, Children develop a solid foundation in pre-academic, social, and general life skills at preschool that will help them succeed in school and beyond. Preschool graduates had better academic preparation, and greater financial and social life, according to research.